your local web design company.

Premium Web Hosting in Toronto, Canada

Visual Checks

Plugin and core updates don't always play nice with each other and can break your site. Our visual check process analyzes your website and alerts us if any discrepancies are found.

Full SSD Storage

We use only SSD storage for our server hardware, which translates to better speed and improved user experience for your website visitors.

Super Duper Support

So many hosting providers only offer support by email. We go the extra mile to give you that personal touch and a real person to talk to, over the phone.

Weekly Backups

Because, should the unthinkable happen, we got you covered. Easily restore from an earlier version of your website for any reason.

Premium Hosting

$10month (billed annually)
  • Weekly Backups
  • Full SSD Storage
  • SSL Certificate for Security
  • Unlimited Bandwidth and 5 GB Storage
  • 2 Domains Included
  • VIP Support
  • Free Email

WordPress Maintenance

  • SEO Optimization
  • Security Monitoring
  • Update Core and Plugins
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Database Optimization and Maintenance
  • Free CDN (Speed Booster)
  • Website Content Changes - Up to 3 hrs

Need Some More Info?

Our servers are built on the highest grade SSD drive technology, and are located in the Northeastern United States, not in Eastern Europe or India. This means your website will load faster, which is appreciated by Google, and your customers.

A CDN (Content Delivery Network)  will tremendously speed up your load time for visitors from different geographic locations. It caches content from multiple servers around the world and uses them to serve the page closest to your visitor.

Having an SSL Certificate isn’t optional anymore. With cyber theft an increasing concern, Search Engines will penalize you for not having this added layer of security on your website. Not only does it help keep your site safe, and boosts your SEO, but it builds trust with your website visitors.

Never worry about breaking your site again! We have you covered with our regular site backups. 

WordPress is the most popular CMS on the Internet, making it a popular target for hackers. A Firewall is software that blocks unauthorized access to your website, while allowing outward communication. Additionally, we constantly monitor your site to eliminate any weak points for hackers to try and exploit.

We stay on top of updates for any plugins, themes, or the WordPress core. Major updates are not performed without first creating a back-up restore point. Because you just never know…

This is one of the most commonly attempted exploits against new WordPress websites. Our Security software and policy will virtually eliminate this threat.

A slow website deters visitors, hurts your sales, and negatively affects your SEO. We will perform an audit, and fix whatever issues are holding back your performance. A report will be e-mailed to you afterwards so you can gloat about how fast your site is 🙂

You can finally ditch that or email you’ve been using up until now and get professional email that ends with your domain name for a truly legit experience.

We promised you not hidden fine print, and that applies here as well. So we will accommodate any design changes or touch-ups you wish to make… yes, any.

Our support team takes a personal interest in each site hosted by WDL and do our best to go above and beyond your expectations. Support can easily be reached by e-mail or phone.

Rest easy knowing that we take care of everything, and your site is safe and secure.

don't be shy, say hello.

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